Men's Lacrosse|Drill
Team drill set up to work on clearing, riding and 4v3 fastbreaks.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Basic defensive slide rotation against a 2-3-1 offensive set. This play features a dodge from up top, with a crease slide and a backside fill directing the recovery.
2.2K Views|38 Likes|0 Comments
Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Extra-man wheel play, initiated with a ball carry a reversal. Crease man in the 1-4 will pop, forcing a defensive rotation and closing with right-handed finishing opportunities.
1.8K Views|54 Likes|1 Comments
Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Basic off-ball defensive rotations against a 2-3-1 offensive set.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Base offensive set out of a 2-3-1. Dodger sets up in the top-right, taking a strong sweep dodge across the face of the goal. This diagram plays through to a reset.
1.1K Views|28 Likes|0 Comments
Women's Lacrosse|Full-Field
Keeping it wide.
Simple movement patterns.
Confidence carrying the ball.
Simple movement patterns.
Confidence carrying the ball.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Base offensive set out of a 2-3-1. Dodger sets up in the top-left, with a push down the alley. This diagram plays through to a reset.
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Men's Lacrosse|Full-Field
Key concepts:
1. Align 3 across the back (2 Defense, 1 goalie)
2. Clear opposite the substitution box.
3. Clear all the way through 'X'
1. Align 3 across the back (2 Defense, 1 goalie)
2. Clear opposite the substitution box.
3. Clear all the way through 'X'
874 Views|18 Likes|0 Comments
Men's Lacrosse|Drill
Shooting drill that simulates the actions of pass-down, pick-down 2-man game. Start with a line with the balls located top-center-right and another line on the right wing. Mirror this setup on the left side. The top line will pass down to the wing, get depth and return to set a screen. Meanwhile, the wing man will ‘drift’ to get into a good dodging location to work from the screen. In this variation, the dodger works under the pick and feeds the picker who is rolling to the middle who finishes with a shot.
831 Views|23 Likes|0 Comments
Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Base O - 2-2-2 stack set.
M1 passes across to M2 (righty), M3 and A4 rotate on the crease.M2 passes down to A6, then dodges hard to the crease starting the middy rotation.M3 runs up to high right, M1 runs across to high left.A6 shows a dodge above GLS.Simultaneously, A4 drops down to X, M2 goes right to set a pick for A5.A6 hits A5 off the pick for a shot or a bingo (quickly in, then quickly back out for a shot.)
M1 passes across to M2 (righty), M3 and A4 rotate on the crease.M2 passes down to A6, then dodges hard to the crease starting the middy rotation.M3 runs up to high right, M1 runs across to high left.A6 shows a dodge above GLS.Simultaneously, A4 drops down to X, M2 goes right to set a pick for A5.A6 hits A5 off the pick for a shot or a bingo (quickly in, then quickly back out for a shot.)
931 Views|33 Likes|0 Comments
Men's Lacrosse|Drill
Sailor Flip is a 1v1 variation. It initiates with stickwork, a push pass down the alley, ball carry through X and then a feed up top to initiate the 1v1.
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Men's Lacrosse|Drill
Simple warm-up drill to work groundballs, passing and shooting. Start with 3 players on the crease, on the whistle, coach rolls out the ball, 3 players communicate who has the groundball, while the 2 other players get space. Each rep will include the groundball, 2 passes to the off-ball players and a shot to finish.
749 Views|25 Likes|0 Comments