Men's Lacrosse|Drill
3v3 Double
Handling and carrying doublesSupporting ball and empowering simplevision and poise
Offense must start with 2man or shallow cutDefense must jump and double every pick or shallow cut
15 yard x 15/20 yard boxTennis Balls (soft hands)3 balls per group
Handling and carrying doublesSupporting ball and empowering simplevision and poise
Offense must start with 2man or shallow cutDefense must jump and double every pick or shallow cut
15 yard x 15/20 yard boxTennis Balls (soft hands)3 balls per group
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Simple umbrella set with offense initiated at X. Dodger and crease man mirror each other to stretch hot slide.
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Men's Lacrosse|Drill
Mimics clears with a goalie and 3 defenders that turns into a 3 v 4 once the ball makes it to the midline.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
2-3-1 set with a Middie dodge to the alley as the crease attack pops up and the wing attack pushes below GLE.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Double Mumbo is out of a 1-4-1 set that is a play designed to give your best shooters a step-down shot from 8-10 yards. It also works well for extra-man offense.
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Men's Lacrosse|Full-Field
Diagram and Description of the boys lacrosse field. On the field during game play there are 10 players for each team: 1 Goalie, 3 Defenders, 3 Midfielders & 3 Attack.
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Men's Lacrosse|Full-Field
This clear is designed with simplicity in mind. This clear is based on clearing the ball opposite the box with Defensive middies as the primary ball carriers & the LSM as a secondary option.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
The play is designed to rotate offense through the zone in order to create the open player for the drop down shot.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
3-2-1 X Rotate: Ball starts dead at X. X man calls "Miami-Miami", Rotates out to ally, sets, and calls the play again. X Man, and cutters looks for pick to be set, when pick is set, top middies cut in, X man's choice for pass. Option to follow and shoot.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Basic defensive slide rotation against a 2-3-1 offensive set. This play features a dodge from up top, with a crease slide and a backside fill directing the recovery.
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Men's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Base O - 2-2-2 stack set.
M1 passes across to M2 (righty), M3 and A4 rotate on the crease.M2 passes down to A6, then dodges hard to the crease starting the middy rotation.M3 runs up to high right, M1 runs across to high left.A6 shows a dodge above GLS.Simultaneously, A4 drops down to X, M2 goes right to set a pick for A5.A6 hits A5 off the pick for a shot or a bingo (quickly in, then quickly back out for a shot.)
M1 passes across to M2 (righty), M3 and A4 rotate on the crease.M2 passes down to A6, then dodges hard to the crease starting the middy rotation.M3 runs up to high right, M1 runs across to high left.A6 shows a dodge above GLS.Simultaneously, A4 drops down to X, M2 goes right to set a pick for A5.A6 hits A5 off the pick for a shot or a bingo (quickly in, then quickly back out for a shot.)
775 Views|26 Likes|0 Comments
Women's Lacrosse|Half-Field
Motion Offense,
Pass and cut away from your pass.
Pass and cut away from your pass.
432 Views|7 Likes|0 Comments